<aside> ℹī¸ This is just a page where I add all ressources I find interesting


Intro / Concepts

Why Rust (Short Intro) by Doug Milford

Why Rust (Short Intro) by Doug Milford

Crashcourse by Traversy Media

Crashcourse by Traversy Media

Webassembly Intro by Tensor Programming

Webassembly Intro by Tensor Programming

make API calls with Rust

make API calls with Rust

Ownership and Borrowing by Doug Milford

Ownership and Borrowing by Doug Milford

Ownership and Borrowing by Tensor Programming

Ownership and Borrowing by Tensor Programming

Short 30 min Intro to Rust Programming

Short 30 min Intro to Rust Programming

Rust explained in simple english 🙂

GitHub - Dhghomon/easy_rust: Rust explained using easy English


Learn Rust

Rust Cheat Sheet

Rust Language Cheat Sheet

A single-page Rust resource for people who like high information density.


GitHub - rust-lang/rustlings: Small exercises to get you used to reading and writing Rust code!


Project Ideas with Tutorial


SNAKE GAME (part1) - compile to WASM and deploy on the web

SNAKE GAME (part1) - compile to WASM and deploy on the web

Build a CLI (todo app) with Rust

Build a CLI (todo app) with Rust

SNAKE GAME (part2) - compile to WASM and deploy to the web

SNAKE GAME (part2) - compile to WASM and deploy to the web

TINY PROJECT: Guessing Game (command line)

TINY PROJECT: Guessing Game (command line)

Game Development with Rust

[Tutorial to build PONG with rust: https://book.amethyst.rs/book/stable/](https://book.amethyst.rs/book/stable/)

Tutorial to build PONG with rust: https://book.amethyst.rs/book/stable/